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Christel Reynolds Brieussel

Feldenkrais® practitioner since 2008

I grew up in France, started as a gymnast and studied modern dance and African dance in Paris, while working in the film industry.

When I moved to the United States, in 2003, I started my Feldenkrais training with Jerry Karzen, who worked very closely with Moshe Feldenkrais, and graduated in 2008. 

I have been teaching in Montrose, CO since.

My ongoing studying include working  with many of the early Feldenkrais Trainers, the first group trained by Moshe Feldenkrais and I studied Bones for Life® a program to stimulate the re-growth of bones and Movement Intelligence Solutions®  with Ruthy Alon.

I have been practicing Yoga for 15 years, Anasura mostly,  and climbing is my main outdoor activity.

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